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Many people think that there is no instrument more varied and colourful than the human voice. It is capable of singing different melodies, moving us with its emotional vulnerability and complexity. The sonic world created by a solo voice is so rich, so nuanced and soulful, that it can often be unmatched by any other instrument or group of instruments. This article explores how to refine your vocal technique to its highest potential so as to produce the most expressive results possible. Throughout history, many of the most respected artists have demonstrated their vocal prowess. From your ancestors right back to the first cave men, you can learn from their voices. Although it took some time for others to realise just how important singing was in terms of entertainment and civilisation, it is now widely recognised that the voices of artists are more than just tools for getting their point across or showing off. They are considered high art. People have experimented with different techniques of vocal training by listening to specific instruments. These instruments are known as 'brass instruments' because they are literally made of brass, brass being the main ingredient in making them by melting down scrap metal or brass objects. Brass instruments are mostly percussion instruments, though some are wind instruments. The brass player can use his or her voice to create melodies, harmonies or accompaniment to the brass instrument's sound. Figure 1 - Brass Instrument The first thing to realise is that your voice is not your instrument. It does not have the same qualities as other instrument types. However, it is the only instrument that you have at your disposal for musical purposes. As a result, it would be wise to stress this point by emphasising the fact that you are playing with your voice rather than just singing with it. You are creating sounds that are unique to your vocal chords; you cannot recreate the same sounds with another instrument. Following this, it is understandable that your voice can change dramatically depending on how you use it. As an example of this, the high-pitched sound of a woman's voice can drastically change into a deep male bass if she uses her voice in the lower register. Similarly, the male bass can drop down an octave and become a female contralto (though this would usually be more like a false bass rather than true). Other factors include tone, vibrato, timbre and body language. Figure 2 - Voice voicing What does all this mean? Well, your voice is an instrument just like any other. It is the only instrument that you have to put to use for artistic purposes, and it can be developed by way of targeted exercises to improve its capabilities. It is not a one-size-fits-all, however. Different people have different voices, and they need to know how to make the best use of their voices in order to get the most out of them. This means knowing how a broad range of tones can be utilised effectively in a variety of musical situations. cfa1e77820

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